A prerecorded audio guide, including
original compositions, will guide participants through a choreographed, interactive and collective experience creating a site-specific performance to be witnessed live and online.
‘Performed’ on the seafront of Redcar and mirroring the striking landscape of the off-shore wind turbines, this audio led experience will explore our own sensory experiences of, and our relationship to, the air we breath, our responsibility to keep it clean and the wider impact we have on the environment.
Musician and Workshop Leader

Spinning Wheel
Resident Musician
Spinning Wheel is a multi-sensory project for adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities. We explore drama, movement, sound, music, and use all of our senses to develop our own stories.
We run weekly term-time workshops on Mondays at Chats Palace in Hackney, as well as going directly into care homes to deliver workshops to residents.
Using our unique methodology in music and movement, we focus on enjoyment, engagement and each individual’s creativity.

Integenrational Project Leader

New Shoots with Established Roots
Launched on 30 April, more than 60 five year old children from Midfield Primary School, Orpington have been spending every Tuesday and Thursday with 15 older people from Elmstead Care Home - Bupa and 10 adults with learning disabilities. Together they have been taking part in horticultural and creative activities designed to boost wellbeing. They’ve got their hands dirty getting stuck into a range of messy activities including painting plant pots and sowing seeds. The activities, designed by expert wellbeing practitioners are based on the five ways to wellbeing:
To connect
To learn new skills
To take notice
To be active
To give